
ATTENTION: Home painters

Want to Scale to 100K Revenue?

We will DOUBLE your revenue in 90 days or your money BACK and we work for FREE until you get there

free value video that shows how to add additional 10k a month in revenue!


What others are saying

"I kept getting other lead gen companies that just didn't deliver"

"We didn't waste Ms Barkleys time and we won't waste yours either."

- Tee Barkley

"One thing I hate is wasted time, that's why I worked with Ardor"

We love client results and wed love to have you work with us next!

- Bryan Dorsey

"I would recommend Ardor to any home painting company with a passion for their work"

- Thomas Garnett

Does this sound familiar?

  • You want to get back to doing what you love?

  • You are tired of getting your time wasted by other lead gen companies?

  • You spend most of your time LOOKING for clients but just want to paint?

Don't worry, we can help!


We want you to get back to what you love doing

Working with us we like to let the results talk, we give you results NOT headaches.